This eye-catching outfit is entirely from Breedwell, whose Moto Brief I reviewed the other week! I always love a good outfit, and companies that make full setups like this always make me smile. =-)

Starting with the centerpiece is what appears to be a jockstrap of some sort with a pink Breedwell Glow band down the front of the pouch! Now, Breedwell sells “Glow jockstrap” cups that can be attached to any compatible base jockstrap, but if that was what we were seeing here, we wouldn’t see the yellow/peach/pink shiny pouch that we are. As such, I’m not entirely sure what Breedwell underwear or accessory this guy is wearing… I do really love the sheen, though!

Higher on up, we’re seeing what appear to be a yellow or green Glow shoulder harness and a red/orange/yellow Glow armband. The synergy with all of the colors & designs here, along with a generally good match to the guy wearing them, really make an incredibly strong sell for this being a sexy, well-coordinated club outfit! I don’t think there’s any way in the world *I* could pull it off, but damn does it look good!

The only downside to Breedwell’s entire Glow collection is that, by the nature of these LED systems, most everything is somewhat stiff. This means that your sizing has to be exact, and in the case of any Glow jockstrap add-ons, means you’ve got something hard either limiting your pouch and/or in the folds of your body (waist area or the thigh-cheek fold). They’re also damn expensive, and laundering is out of the picture. Really sexy look, but just be ready to take care of these properly and only wear them in specific situations!