I believe this is the Petit-Q Nautical Thong (PQ150003) with these blue and white stripes. The offset between the stripes across the front of the pouch is part of the reason I think so, since that seems to be an intentional part of the Nautical design in every image of it that I’ve seen.

The other thing is that the pouch here is being filled out much more so than the other images of it that I’ve seen. X-D Which is great to look at now, but also means that the pouch on this pair is going to be A+ in comfort. (The size and shape of the pouch here reminds me of the Cocksox CX05 Thong!)

The other, more subtle difference between this pic and others I’ve seen of this pair is the the hips straps here aren’t as tall as they are in many of the other (official?) images. That’s probably just an effect of wearing them, since I’ve seen things bunch up or roll up before. That’s usually a sign of a slight design defect, since bunching/rolling makes things a little less comfortable than intended.

That all said, I still would certainly try this pair! I’ve had some sizing issues with previous Petit-Q pairs (I need to review those at some point) but I love the look of the pouch here (and I love that Cocksox thong I linked earlier) and the stripes are great aesthetics too! The blue and white is a great color combination, too.