Go Softwear – Hard Core Fetiche Harness – Pink – Medium


Decided to give a quick mini-review of this top! Reason being is that I decided to try it on this morning…. And was pleasantly surprised at the whole experience.

I bought this “harness” (I’m just gonna call it a top from here on out) on a whim while in Rehoboth Beach with friends a few weeks ago. I’m not huge into the leather community, especially since my skin doesn’t like metal very much, but this looked kinda sleek and felt like (I guessed) neoprene, plus it looked more like a cut-off tank top instead of a “real” harness to me, so I felt more comfortable with the idea of wearing it.

With the color, I decided to pair it with a previously-reviewed AC jockstrap because of the black and pink already there… I think it was a good pairing! Which was a great start with this look.

I was somewhat expected the top to be maybe a little hard to put on, depending on the stretch or lack thereof – but it wasn’t a worry. First, the material (actually 95% polyester and 5% spandex) was more forgiving than I expected, and second, with as small as the top was in the vertical dimension, there wasn’t much material to worry about to begin with! If it was a taller top (i.e. extended further down my torso) it might’ve been harder to put on, but that wasn’t worry.

It was a thought, though – I had misjudged how “tall” the material was, and initially thought it would cover my nipples. Nope! X-D I’m not complaining at all, though, because I really do like this look. In fact, this is one of the only pictures of myself I’ve ever taken and honestly thought I looked moderately appealing… I’ve taken “sexy” pics before, but they were mostly that way due to suggestiveness (or explicitness) – I think this here makes me look like the kind of person I want to be and want to have with me. I actually kinda want to go to clubs with this look…

Recent orders

I know I haven’t written a ton of my own posts recently, and that’s gone hand in hand with not having bought a ton of underwear recently either. In fact, of the underwear I have bought over the past three months, I haven’t even opened most of them!

I had some time earlier today, though, and will have some time tomorrow morning as well, so I decided to finally pull ‘em all out of their order bags today and start trying things on. In addition to some underwear pics I’ve had backed up, I might actually start building up a queue again! The shock X-D

What this all includes: a CheapUndies order that includes a few Ginch Gonch pairs (including a second “bull” boxerbrief) as well as my first Clever and first CellBlock13 pair; an overdue N2N order, two pieces from a FreshPair order (Ergowear shorts and an Andrew Christian Xpose singlet… which will be very NSWF if I show it); and finally, two pieces that I bought at a store in Rehoboth Beach, including my first top.

I wore the Clever brief today, am wearing the N2N lounge shorts, (and tried the white sheer onesie, which didn’t work so well,) and will wear something else from this collection tomorrow I think. Also got one other pic as a mini-review for you next…