Backpack Harness – Rainbow (Red Edge) – One Size


This is going to be a mini-review of sorts, as harnesses don’t fit well into my normal format, and I don’t have as much of a story to tell as the last time I reviewed a harness.

I ordered this harness from about a month ago, at the same time I ordered some Seobean bulge boxers (in two different sizes since I knew it was an Asian brand, and those tend to run small, but even the XL was too small for me despite the website saying otherwise…). Not sure exactly what prompted me to get a harness – might have been the rainbows, might have been the matching armbands (because I love putting together matching outfits) – but I’m glad I got it! It’s honestly pretty nice. Looks pretty good in my opinion, and the fabric is pretty comfy. It’s entirely fabric, too, nothing else aside from the labels; just wish I knew what kind of fabric it was!

Now, I don’t know exactly what brand this harness is… It came in some AlexanderS packaging, but the directly labels on the harness and armbands themselves say “Clever-MenMode”. I have trouble re-finding this harness from either name, and can only find it either on or on (which I’ve also ordered from before, though not sure I’d order from either site again).

Wherever this is from, it’s a nice harness to have, I think. Fairly soft, fits well enough, and I do quite like how it has those matching armbands. I don’t yet know what pants or underwear I would pair it with, and it’s a bit more exposing that I’m used to since there’s literally no front to it at all, but I’m sure I’ll figure something out! Any suggestions?

I hadn’t heard of Sinner until seeing this pic, and with their logo brandished proudly across both the jockstrap here and the harness on top, I had to see just how cohesive and extensive their branding was.

Visually, there isn’t a ton of variety in their products, but boy do they have a bunch of different products! Harness, jock, brief, mask, two hats, three pairs of socks, all a black+white combo (usually black w/ white text) with that strongly angled logo very prominently featured on everything! They also have some more colorful items if you venture a bit deeper into their BDSM selection… The branding isn’t as strong with those but BOY is there some exciting variety there!

Anyway, as for the outfit pictured here, I’d say it looks pretty good! Solid B+/A-, I think; nothing particularly wrong with it at all, and impressive in the strength and cohesiveness of the look, just without anything to really push it over the top. As long as the material on both is comfy, I would absolutely like to try this look out! Gotta get myself a bit better in shape first, though. X-D

This eye-catching outfit is entirely from Breedwell, whose Moto Brief I reviewed the other week! I always love a good outfit, and companies that make full setups like this always make me smile. =-)

Starting with the centerpiece is what appears to be a jockstrap of some sort with a pink Breedwell Glow band down the front of the pouch! Now, Breedwell sells “Glow jockstrap” cups that can be attached to any compatible base jockstrap, but if that was what we were seeing here, we wouldn’t see the yellow/peach/pink shiny pouch that we are. As such, I’m not entirely sure what Breedwell underwear or accessory this guy is wearing… I do really love the sheen, though!

Higher on up, we’re seeing what appear to be a yellow or green Glow shoulder harness and a red/orange/yellow Glow armband. The synergy with all of the colors & designs here, along with a generally good match to the guy wearing them, really make an incredibly strong sell for this being a sexy, well-coordinated club outfit! I don’t think there’s any way in the world *I* could pull it off, but damn does it look good!

The only downside to Breedwell’s entire Glow collection is that, by the nature of these LED systems, most everything is somewhat stiff. This means that your sizing has to be exact, and in the case of any Glow jockstrap add-ons, means you’ve got something hard either limiting your pouch and/or in the folds of your body (waist area or the thigh-cheek fold). They’re also damn expensive, and laundering is out of the picture. Really sexy look, but just be ready to take care of these properly and only wear them in specific situations!

If it’s hard to see, both the waistband of the “shorts” here and the crosslink of the harness have the same logo – that of Sparta’s Harness, a brand originally from Italy – so it makes sense that this outfit looks like quite a complete package!

I’ve never worn or wanted to wear a harness like this one for two reasons: one, I’m not the wild-and-rough type, and two, I have low-level metal allergies, so I don’t wear jewelry. So, in a similar vein, I won’t wear any sort of traditional leather gear since that stuff include those buttons/clasps and the rings themselves as well, none of which I want on my skin.

That all said, I totally recognize how attractive they are, and enjoy seeing them on other guys – particularly guys that have at least a little bit of beef to show off! The fact that it matches nicely with these “shorts” as well is definitely a plus. Same red, and the shorts have that same show-off-y, somewhat-rough look to them.

I keep saying “shorts” in quotation marks because these are a pair of shorts that certainly don’t seem like underwear in the sense they’re not designed to be worn under anything, but they’re not normal wear-out-in-public shorts either, not only because they’re so incredibly skin-tight and low-riding and featuring awkward/atypical extra bands, but also there’s the very obvious bulge. I mean, I approve, especially with the cool angled look the “waistband” has (being multiple pieces) – but are they really “shorts”? X-D I don’t really care about the answer to that – they’re really hot to look at and are probably quite sensual to the touch. I would want to wear these to a club.

Go Softwear – Hard Core Fetiche Harness – Pink – Medium


Decided to give a quick mini-review of this top! Reason being is that I decided to try it on this morning…. And was pleasantly surprised at the whole experience.

I bought this “harness” (I’m just gonna call it a top from here on out) on a whim while in Rehoboth Beach with friends a few weeks ago. I’m not huge into the leather community, especially since my skin doesn’t like metal very much, but this looked kinda sleek and felt like (I guessed) neoprene, plus it looked more like a cut-off tank top instead of a “real” harness to me, so I felt more comfortable with the idea of wearing it.

With the color, I decided to pair it with a previously-reviewed AC jockstrap because of the black and pink already there… I think it was a good pairing! Which was a great start with this look.

I was somewhat expected the top to be maybe a little hard to put on, depending on the stretch or lack thereof – but it wasn’t a worry. First, the material (actually 95% polyester and 5% spandex) was more forgiving than I expected, and second, with as small as the top was in the vertical dimension, there wasn’t much material to worry about to begin with! If it was a taller top (i.e. extended further down my torso) it might’ve been harder to put on, but that wasn’t worry.

It was a thought, though – I had misjudged how “tall” the material was, and initially thought it would cover my nipples. Nope! X-D I’m not complaining at all, though, because I really do like this look. In fact, this is one of the only pictures of myself I’ve ever taken and honestly thought I looked moderately appealing… I’ve taken “sexy” pics before, but they were mostly that way due to suggestiveness (or explicitness) – I think this here makes me look like the kind of person I want to be and want to have with me. I actually kinda want to go to clubs with this look…