Here’s an official photo from Gruff Pup of the black striped Quarterback jockstrap! As somewhat suggested by the name, it has a *very* traditional jockstrap design, with a really tall waistband and that telltale textured fabric for the pouch. If you go on Gruff Pup’s site, you’ll also see that the straps of the Quarterback jockstrap are a bit sturdier than seen on fashion/fetish jockstraps, though they’re not quite as wide as you sometimes see with these traditional jockstraps.

All in all, I think this is a great jockstrap. This particular pair has that red-white-black coloring that I’ve talked about for giving that pure sexual “ready to go” energy, and the sturdy construction of the pair backs that sentiment up as well! Just a great jock to see someone wearing.

I love seeing really traditional-looking jockstraps like this! That telltale pouch material, the really-tall waistbands… It’s a nice look! And the solid red here is bold look without being too loud, too.

I first encountered Gruff Pup as a distribution site for other brands, generally along the Nasty Pig line of thought, but soon discovered that they do in fact have their own items to sell as well. I have one of their singlets that I keep meaning to review at some point…