Clever – Kiwi Open-fly Brief – Grape Stripe – M


Material: 94% Nylon, 6% Spandex, and though it very clearly and unsurprisingly feels synthetic, it’s a few soft and mostly breathable kind of “synthetic” that I can’t say I’ve felt before! It’s also ever so slightly sheer in the “darker” stripes of the pair – not very much, only easy to tell when held up to the light, but still fun (and probably why it feels more breathable than other clearly-synthetic pairs I’ve encountered).
Aesthetic: It’s a mix of darker colors, which gives it a somewhat muted look, and yet it’s simultaneously a fairly bold combination with the purple, maroon, and navy. The striping is also a huge plus, as it gives the pair a very stylish touch.
Waistband: Fairly typical as waistbands go. Sits at or maybe even slightly above the hips.
Pouch: This is where I’m really surprised with this pair! There’s not a huge amount of definition or shape to the pouch, (though it’s spacious enough, especially lower,) which can be somewhat expected of a brief with a vertical fly like this pair has. But look at the fly’s orientation – it opens to the LEFT instead of the RIGHT! I’ve literally never encountered a “left-handed fly” before. X-D Unfortunately for all you lefties out there, the outside and inside panels of the fly have such a large overlap that the fly is somewhat uncomfortable to use, even though each opening itself is quite forgiving. (Then there’s also the issue that the zipper flies on most pants are still right-opening themselves, so there’s a bit of a zig-zag to navigate there even in typical usage.)
Backside: Simple enough! Full coverage, done well. The stripes here are particularly useful for making the backside, espeically a big one like this, look nice. The tag hangs down in the back; it’s very soft and basically not noticeable.
Legs: Nothing major to write home about with the leg opennigs here. Like the openings to the fly, the hems to the legs are soft and very forgiving – to much better effect here, obviously.
Overall: 4/5 – despite the big issues with the orientation and usability of the fly, I’m going out on a limb and giving this a 4/5 because it’s honestly a really comfortable and fairly good-looking pair.
Great for: Everyday wear
Good for: Activewear, Loungewear, Sexy wear

Recent orders

I know I haven’t written a ton of my own posts recently, and that’s gone hand in hand with not having bought a ton of underwear recently either. In fact, of the underwear I have bought over the past three months, I haven’t even opened most of them!

I had some time earlier today, though, and will have some time tomorrow morning as well, so I decided to finally pull ‘em all out of their order bags today and start trying things on. In addition to some underwear pics I’ve had backed up, I might actually start building up a queue again! The shock X-D

What this all includes: a CheapUndies order that includes a few Ginch Gonch pairs (including a second “bull” boxerbrief) as well as my first Clever and first CellBlock13 pair; an overdue N2N order, two pieces from a FreshPair order (Ergowear shorts and an Andrew Christian Xpose singlet… which will be very NSWF if I show it); and finally, two pieces that I bought at a store in Rehoboth Beach, including my first top.

I wore the Clever brief today, am wearing the N2N lounge shorts, (and tried the white sheer onesie, which didn’t work so well,) and will wear something else from this collection tomorrow I think. Also got one other pic as a mini-review for you next…